E.S.S.I. Exhibitions
(experimental sounds, sculptures and installations)

"Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt, born in Chicago (USA), now living in Berlin, is a performance artist, musician, free improvisator and composer of experimental music. The compositions from Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt are performed and recorded live using the accidental guitar method". myspace.com/seandcmarquardt soundcloud.com/berlindolls
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"After more than 20 years of service as the drummer of Greek neo-psychedelic pioneers Purple Overdose and No Man’s Land (still on active duty with the latter), Chris Silver T decided to temporarily abandon his drum kit in order to embark on a private journey in the sea of sounds that laps the shores of his mind. The results of this esoteric trip can be heard in the soundscapes of NOS Project: ambient memories of places, one visits in dreams".
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Finalist in the 2013 The McClelland Sculpture Public Art Exhibition, Antonia is a sculpture and installation artist whose works and exhibitions receive much attention. Continuing grants and awards, Antonia is on her way to world wide recognition. To be completed ......
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Tara Cook is a Melbourne based contemporary media artist, PhD candidate and Gallery Director at New Low. She is interested in better understanding our relationship with technology through artistic research, curatorship and practice. Her photographic, sound based, moving and interactive media artworks reflect on the self and the work of art in the digital age. Often saturated and abstract, Tara reveals the form of media, making visibly present its qualities and imperfections.
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Dale has been making art, noise and noise emitting instruments forever. Hearing shapes in sound, seeing sound in shapes. Listening to and trying to emulate the sounds we hear everyday. From the vacuum cleaner to bird songs to the voices in our head.
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Composer and performer of original songs and noise improvisation. Rod graduated from Sculpture at Victoria College, Prahran in 1988 and began performing live in the 1990's. Resides in Melbourne, Australia and tours regularly internationally. Rod incorporates his sculpture and sound abilities to perform with the most accomplished sound instruments . Festivals include Mona Foma Melbourne fringe festival and Juke Joint Festival, USA. Film credits "Sticky Carpet" and "Rougue".

"John Waller is an Australian artist working in new media installation and screen based culture. His current practice focuses on the production of computer animation, video and sound for projection and installation projects".
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"Jason Kavanagh is a Glasgow, UK based sound artist and musician who draws upon field recordings, home made electronics, circuit bent toys and instruments, and old sound equipment such as; reel to reel tape players, portable CD players, turntables and radios as well as more traditional instruments to construct his compositions".
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"Vijay Thillaimuthu is an audio-visual artist that creates the perception of a synaesthetic relationship between sound and video in his work. His method is by modular synthesis combined with signal feedback, fed through springs via transducers, mixed with voltage rendered from video signals and so on, a system that is ever expanding like the behaviour of synaptic networks".
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"Maresuke Okamoto, contrabass cello and organizer, he was born in Tokyo, in 1960. Doublebass studies from 1974. He started improvised contrabass solo at Japanese improvised scene in 1982 while playing on Seikei University Orchestra(classic). In this period he played with lots of famous Japanese improvisers. Mototeru Takagi, Matoharu Yoshizawa, Sabu Toyozumi, Takehisa Kosugi, Yoriyuki Harada, etc and participated in New Jazz Syndicate(group for free improvised musicians)".
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"PAS Musique (PAS) is a group out to create musical collages through the form of abstract sound. The compositions themselves are more akin to soundscapes than “songs” in the traditional sense. There are no clearly defined melodies, no structural landmarks that give you any sense of traditional anchor. This is not music making with any sense of or desire for commercial viability, but sonic sculptures in the mode of pure art".
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"Journey into music from a fresh perspective and with it a rather unique self creationist style of music that blends many different sounds from both the organic world around us and the more far out and abstract electronic sounds that Skye likes to use and incorporate into his new and fresh concept of music".
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"Work and live in Aviles, Spain. Multidisciplinary creative in different artistic media. He thinks of art as a science and is developing a theory about it. Defender of the collaboration between differents creative’s forms and the constant evolution of personal creativity and the use of news technologies in the art".
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Martin Briggs is an Ipswich, UK based sound artist working primarily with field recordings, pure data, circuit bent toys and home made electronics. His work ranges from dark ambient and harsh noise compositions to solo and group imrovisations. He has released four albums to date, with a fifth on the way.
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His work is inspired by Peruvian traditional music and environment sounds. He is also interested in the possibilities a musician has to multiply himself. In order to achieve this multiplicity he uses a varied setting of instruments that include D.I.Y. electronics, cassette Walkman, AM radios, remote controls, cameras, guitars, samplers, voice, flutes, bells, etc. It is his intention to express concern for contemplation, patience and to establish a close, warm and joyful relation with the sounds
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"Soundsmith, databender, audiovisual, generative installer and creative coder. Exomene are shaped by the æsthetics of desolation which is a search of what's beautiful about or behind common uglyness. His projects incorporate various sound, digital and visual experiments and collaborations".
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Cezary Gapik (also know as CEZAR) was born in Czestochowa, Poland in 1963. He started his musical activity in 1980 as an animator of punk rock bands. Soon enough he discovered new sounds which were brought by the punk rock rebellion. Cabaret Voltaire, Public Image Ltd. or other “new wave” bands had an enormous influence on the perception of music by Cezar.His musical creation is based on drones and micro-tonal sound planes interlaced with abstract images (field recordings, prepared instruments)"
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Lee-Ann is a Melbourne based artist, architect, design tutor at Melbourne University and curator of E.S.S.I. With Post Grad studies in Art in Public Space and near completion of a Masters in Arts Management, her area of interest directs her into the areas of sound, installation and curation which is forming the basis and ground work for a PHD.
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Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt
Chris Silver T
Antonia Goodfellow
Tara Cook
Dale Chapman
Rodney Cooper
John Waller
Jasan Kavanagh
Vijay Thillaimuthu
Maresuke Okamoto
Pas Musique
Skye Speciale
Jamie Rodriguez Lopez
Martin Briggs
Tomas Tello
Gehiks Exomene
Cezary Gapik
Lee-Ann Joy