E.S.S.I. Exhibitions
(experimental sounds, sculptures and installations)

Composer and performer of original songs and noise improvisation. Rod graduated from Sculpture at Victoria College, Prahran in 1988 and began performing live in the 1990's. Resides in Melbourne, Australia and tours regularly internationally. Rod incorporates his sculpture and sound abilities to perform with the most accomplished sound artists and instruments.
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Eliot Palmer's projects include composition for auditory and tactile sensory crossover, and applying low frequency transducers to activate sound distortions, rattles and buzzes made from metal, glass and wood. Compositions based in these sounds are used to draw attention to the form and decay of sites, grounded by an understanding of their usage and local history.
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Tara Cook is a Melbourne based contemporary media artist, PhD candidate and Gallery Director at New Low. She is interested in better understanding our relationship with technology through artistic research, curatorship and practice. Her photographic, sound based, moving and interactive media artworks reflect on the self and the work of art in the digital age. Often saturated and abstract, Tara reveals the form of media, making visibly present its qualities and imperfections.
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Neuron is Marc Badosa, a musician and sound technician who lives in Girona. He released some music with the Roger Brothers duo and played techno DJ sets at festivals and in clubs like Nolimits, First Blau Club in the mid-90´s, la Sala del Cel, Rachdingue and various other events. In 2011 he released his first album (Planet Fendor )in Inrecs.com and played at the festival "Nits Digitals" in Vic, Remor (Girona), Sonar 2011 ,Cinetone 2012 etc
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Lee-Ann is a Melbourne based artist, architect, design tutor at Melbourne University and curator of E.S.S.I. With Post Grad studies in Art in Public Space and near completion of a Masters in Arts Management, her area of interest directs her into the areas of sound, installation and curation which is forming the basis and ground work for a PHD.
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If you spend most of your time with a musical instrument in your hands, then a musical syntax, a harmony-based view of the world in all its depth and spatial modes will come together. There is no need for [desperately-sought] originality. Originality is something you simply cannot avoid.
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Johannes Leo Weinberger is me, too. without music, i would be a statue without birds. i can see what i want, and it is often a blurred chaos. i can hide and i can sleep for a moment. after four decades of wordliness, i am still and not yet possible. i like tenderness and poison. but after all, nothing is left, and i am pretty glad that this is not eternity, so far.
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Larissa Linnell's work draws attention to the largely unobserved aspects of experiencing a place, such as sound and touch/texture. Her work is paper-based, covering drawing, printmaking and sculpture. She also leads interdisciplinary projects, using sound recording and drawing.
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Pierre is an artist intrigued by the pervasiveness of technology in culture and its relationship to nature. Having studied Electrical Engineering and Liberal Arts at the University of Melbourne, Australia, Pierre then spent three and a half years in Sweden where he developed a body of work and obtained a Master in Art and Technology from Chalmer University. Proske’s work involves exposing the unspoken relationships we have with technology and harnessing machines into exploring new aesthetics.
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Michael Graeve is a visual and sound artist based in Melbourne Australia. He exhibits and performs internationally in the contexts of abstraction and sound art. He works across painting and sound disciplines through easel painting, site-specific installation, painting and sound installation, sound performance and composition.
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Rebecca is a sculptor who works with the human form and its relationships to the world. She works with a variety of mediums including timber, metal, plaster, paper and found objects, reworking these materials into forms that explore her continuing interest in the skin as bodily contours where the external and internal meet to recreate perceptions of self and world. In previous works Rebecca has produced varied-scale sculptures that question our relationships with everyday objects.
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A Chicago resident who believes in healing the world by healing himself. Electro-acoustic, magnetic tape, altered electronics, voice, maybe more. Awkward and barely balancing pieces of one long song that will probably never end. Strange droning, simulations of harmonics by exploring and manipulating feedback, almost-songs, texture worship, subdued aggression, exaggerated emotion. Deep inspiration drawn from rational emotive behavior therapy, the legacy of the pineal gland.
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Sebastian Sighell works in fields of sound, photography, digital graphics and video. In his work with sound he utilizes field recordings, images turned into sound, analogue and digital synthesis, different objects and his voice.
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Richie Cyngler is interested in instrument design, open source creative computing tools, circuitry, play, interaction and sound. He combines these elements and themes to make pieces that emerge out the interplay between the audience/user and the piece. These pieces have involved light, sound, sensors and people.
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Margriet has over ten years of experience in sound art and is the designer, builder, conductor and musical performer of her own instruments. The physical power of sound is Margriet's inspiration source. Her explorative journey consist of a mixture of electronic sound with acoustic vibrations. Margriet Studied Sound & Image (Art & Science) at the Royal Conservatory and Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague(NL) .
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Jordan is a sound artist based in Melbourne Australia. He works with spatialised soundscape compositions across multi-speaker arrays, and uses sound as a source for transforming the everyday. Jordan performs and creates installations under the name hiddensounds, a project with an ongoing interest in sounds hidden from immediate perception whether concealed from sensual apparatuses or habituated by over-abundance. He has a history of sound performance in a variety of genres across Australia.
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"Vijay Thillaimuthu is an audio-visual artist that creates the perception of a synaesthetic relationship between sound and video in his work. His method is by modular synthesis combined with signal feedback, fed through springs via transducers, mixed with voltage rendered from video signals and so on, a system that is ever expanding like the behaviour of synaptic networks".
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My music is made up of self-edited electronic sounds and self-recorded noises. When I improvise I‘m looking for structures that exert an ethereal ambience between intensity and charm. A dialogue between nature and technology and their power in the form of organic curves but also opposing contrasts. The noise recordings are partially transformed electroacoustically and set in relation to the purely electronic sounds often in a playful manner. I form the layers of sounds to let them communicate.
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Tara Cook
Rodney Cooper
Richie Cyngler
Michael Graeve
Lee-Ann Joy
Jordan Lacey
Larissa Linnell
Eliot Palmer
Rebecca Pohlner
Pierre Proske
Vijay Thillaimuthu
Bogdan Dullsky
Margriet Kicks-Ass
Justin Marc Lloyd
Sebastian Sighell
Leo Weinberger
Zoy Winterstein